Wednesday, April 8, 2009

49 Days to Sinai

Alright, that was the easy part...we left Egypt. Now for the trek through the desert to Mount Sinai where the Torah was given. This is where the going gets a little tough, you've thrown out all your chumatz, cleansed yourself thoroughly and now you are an empty vessel, just waiting to be filled with light and holiness.

The 49-day journey to Mount Sinai is reenacted every year in a ritual called Counting the Weeks...Siferot HaOmer. Every night starting the tomorrow (April 9) you take the 7 emotional attributes found on the Kabbalistic tree of life and evaluate them according to yourself...starting with the attribute of kindness. This link is awesome, it walks you through each day with a brief meditation and some thinks to takes fives minutes..

Last year I did this for the first time and it was a tremendously powerful experience. Check it out.
Wish I could type more, but I gotta run, G-d said Go Forth to the Holy Land, see you there.

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