The month of Nisan marks the beginning of the season for fruit, and not only are we going to be chowing down on some fresh, succulent, yummy tree candy, Please G-d, soon. But starting today we can recite a special prayer said once a year to commemorate the ongoing renewal of creation called Birkas ha-Ilanos.
The blessing falls under the category of ‘seeing wondrous things’ which is appropriate because what is more astounding than witnessing the renewal of nature? Trees, the ultimate example of recreation, appear to die every year and then, come spring, they burst forth with life. So if you want to make this special blessing, find a fruit-bearing tree that is starting to bud and say:
"Blessed are You Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe, who did not allow anything to lack in His world and [who] created within it good creatures and good trees to give pleasure to mankind through them."
Fruit meditation:
Hold a fruit in your hand, think about the tree it grew on, the roots in the ground, how many years it took to start fruiting, every drop of rain that fell on and was absorbed by the leaves and drunk up by the soil, think about the person who plucked it, the process it went through to end up in your super market, how you picked that one orange from the barrel. Look at the fruits shape, symmetrical, consistent, its texture perfectly conducive for its juices, its flavor holy and unique, its nutrients essential and pure, it goes into your system and nourishes you, enables you to live and grow. How marvelous is this world where G-d placed everything. Nothing is without significance. Everything has a use and purpose. Amen vAmen
Mazel Tov to Oriana Devorah and her lucky fiance. May their fruits be so sweet.
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